Case Study: Pair it With

Responsive Website
Project Type
Responsive Website
Project year

Project Case Study


How can we get customers to quickly find more products they like and purchase more per visit? 


There were already two up-sell components on the product detail page. The first one used an algorithm to show the most-viewed products, and the second component was curated based on similar items. Both modules were displayed as carousels at the bottom of the product detail page (PDP). With a limited number of styles on our site, these components would often show the same items, essentially cannibalizing each other’s performance. 

My Role:

Discovery & Concept Sketching

Collaborate with the Product Manager

Interaction design

User research

Prototyping & Animations

Collaborate with Engineers

UX Quality Assurance


After analyzing user sessions, I saw a low number of interactions with the two existing components. When reviewing the click rate data for each module, I noticed that when the users did interact with the components, they only interacted with the first 3-4 items out of the 15 presented. These first items tended to be matching garments.


From a business perspective, these up-sells were essential to increase the number of items customers added to their shopping bags and, by doing so, increase the average order value. From a customer perspective, my goal was to make it easier to find and shop matching items since I had noticed customer interest in matching items as a result of the research.

Design Solutions

I narrowed it down to two designs to implement into a multivariate test. The first touchpoint was a “quick match” concept. In this idea, after a customer added an item to the bag, three matching products would animate into view once the user chose to close the shopping bag drawer. 

The second touchpoint was a “pair it with” concept. In this idea, as the customer scrolled down the page for more information, they would see a collection of 2-3 matching items side-by-side with the current item to see how well it matched. 

Testing & Results

The team implemented both concepts and set up a multivariate A/B/C test which included both concepts separately and the existing experience as control. The results concluded that the “quick match” concept had little interaction and no real improvement to add to bag or average order value KPIs. In contrast, the “pair it with” concept proved to be much more successful with a high interaction rate which led to a steady increase in add to bag and average order value. In fact, this component became a leading revenue driver on the PDP.

Lessons Learned

I was surprised to see the low interaction of the “quick match” idea. With the high interaction of the “pair it with” concept, it seems customers prefer to browse first to see what matches before adding the item to the shopping bag. This valuable insight has helped us learn more about our customer behavior.

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